Tagged “marriage”

Something new and something blue

by Ida Barrett | 12 Dec 2019

I'm getting married soon, and I'm so very excited. I feel very comfortable in my relationship. Things between us have kind of always seemed too good to be true...and I guess I've always struggled with that a little. My childhood home was one of abuse, and a divorce that didn't come quick enough. When I was younger, I swore I'd never marry because of what I saw my parents go through. Obviously I changed my mind as I got older and I really thought I had worked through those feelings, but with the wedding getting closer all those old trust and commitment issues are sort of bubbling up. I feel as though a past I'm not responsible for is weighing down what should be one of the happiest times of my life. Any advice for a nervous bride? Sincerely -I'm My Something Blue Read More...


So you want a divorce??

by Ida Barrett | 08 Nov 2019

My wife loves dogs but I can’t stand them. She has one dog that sheds a lot. Its hair gets everywhere, all over the apartment and my things. I thought I’d be ok with having one as long as I didn’t have to take care of it. But more times than not I’m left feeding the dog, letting it out of its crate while she plays on her phone or does whatever, and constantly vacuuming or sweeping the massive amounts of hair this dog leaves everywhere. It’s a good dog but I just can’t stand the dog smell in the apartment, all of the hair...everything! I love my wife but I wish she would just get rid of this dog. I feel its unfair of me to ask her to give up something she loves and sometimes think it’s better if maybe she found someone who loves dogs like she does but I’ve tried to live with it and it gets harder and now the dog kind of annoys me. Is that completely irrational? Nothing against people who like to have pets, it’s just something I could live without. I now see that it’s something that should have been discussed prior to tying the knot. What should I do?! Help! Sincerely Wrong Tree Read More...
