Tagged “trust”

Something new and something blue

by Ida Barrett | 12 Dec 2019

I'm getting married soon, and I'm so very excited. I feel very comfortable in my relationship. Things between us have kind of always seemed too good to be true...and I guess I've always struggled with that a little. My childhood home was one of abuse, and a divorce that didn't come quick enough. When I was younger, I swore I'd never marry because of what I saw my parents go through. Obviously I changed my mind as I got older and I really thought I had worked through those feelings, but with the wedding getting closer all those old trust and commitment issues are sort of bubbling up. I feel as though a past I'm not responsible for is weighing down what should be one of the happiest times of my life. Any advice for a nervous bride? Sincerely -I'm My Something Blue Read More...
